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Only the best is good enough

Modern design concepts for progressive lenses aim at advancing the viewing fields in relation to particular vision requirements. Today these concepts already lead to very good results, especially if the prescriptions for the left and right eye are identical. The situation is challenging when it comes to differing dioptres, prisms and astigmatisms. SEIKO PRIME is the universal answer to these questions. For perfect vision and ultimate looks, even for demanding customers and especially with different dioptres.

As the key to ultimate vision is perfect synchronicity. This goal was achieved with the new Twineye Modulation Technology (TMT) combined with SEIKO's Advanced Aspheric Design. The very special feature: Before starting the production, SEIKO PRIME lenses are optimized by a unique synchronising software.

In order to redefine the aesthetic limits, SEIKO's newly developed flexible prism thinning was used for the first time. This technology harmonises the upper and lower lens edges optimally. The CCCS manufacturing technology is another reason why the lens cosmetic is extra slim and flat. Once more SEIKO Optical Europe proves what it has been representing for decades: the thinnest and most aesthetic spectacle lenses possible.